The first portion of land was purchased by my dad in 2005. Steadily adding property to the initial plot, he has since established a space where nature and individual creativity connect. Situated amongst the boundaries he planted rows upon rows of trees, put up fences, created hay fields, built a lake stocked with fish, and is now raising a herd of cattle. The land is a meeting place for my dad and I, serving as a sacred spot to share a communal love for all things green and growing. As I walk the acres, I capture the land through the lens of my dad's 1980s medium format camera.
Our patch of earth is physically removed from city noise and background hums of the road. The sounds that typically surround me are replaced by a chorus of birds, bellowing of cows and the wind rushing through pine trees. Specific to the area are the distinct smells of fresh air that mix with damp, sandy earth and the fresh aroma of pine needles. Historic flows of moving water have pushed and shaped the earth into bending creeks and ponds, inviting the rain to collect and settle on the land. I too hold the power to influence my experience and surroundings. Grounding myself on this land opens up something different and peaceful for my body to take in.